Acupuncture capalaba
Acupuncture is a procedure that involves the penetration of the skin with needles to help in stimulating certain parts of the body,this is an example of traditional Chinese medicine which has the belief that stimulating specific points on the body will help in correcting imbalances in the flow of energy.It also causes stimulation of nerves,muscles and connective tissues,this stimulation boosts the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and also increases blood flow.
Acupuncture can be used for fibromyalgia,headaches,labor pain,lower back pain,menstrual cramps,migraines,dental pain,osteoarthritis,shoulder pain,anxiety,depression,chronic fatigue syndrome,sinus problems and irritable bowel syndrome among many other conditions.
Acupuncture should not be used by people suffering from bleeding disorders due to the risk of excess bleeding,people with a pacemaker because if the acupuncture involves mild electrical pulses to the needles this can interfere with the pacemaker,pregnant women should also not use as some form of acupuncture can stimulate labor.
The Process of acupuncture:
Choice of practitioner-Look for a good practitioner preferably by way of a referral from friends or relatives,check their training and credentials,conduct an interview with this practitioner and find out what is involved
Questions by the practitioner-Be ready to answer questions honestly and have an examination conducted that will establish the parts of your body that are painful,your tongue shape,coating and color will be checked,the strength and quality of the pulse in your wrist will also be checked.
The acupuncture treatment-The practitioner will tell you which location of your body the planned treatment will be,then once you are ready the process will begin by the needles being inserted,these needles are thin so the insertion will not cause much discomfort apart from an aching sensation especially when the needle reaches the correct depth.Once the needles are placed, the practitioner may gently move or twirl the needles or apply heat or mild electrical pulses to the needles.The needles usually remain in place for approximately ten to twenty minutes after which they are removed and discarded .
Benefits of acupuncture:
Effectively controls some types of pain for example chronic back pain
Can boost the effectiveness of medicines
Important for patients who do not respond to pain medications
It soothes indigestion
This can be a useful alternative for patients who want to avoid taking oral medications
Helps to relieve stress
There is usually increased energy especially after the treatment which can go on for weeks
There is improved mental clarity making you make decisions faster and with great confidence
It broadens your awareness of things that can potentially influence your physical and emotional health
Cures insomnia
Lessens the effects of radiation like nausea and dry mouth
Increases proper blood circulation
Decreases the heart rate and reduces elevated blood pressure
Regulates the automatic nervous system
Deals with gastrointestinal disorders for example indigestion
In conclusion acupuncture capalaba is a low risk process especially if you have a competent acupuncture practitioner,the low risk side effects are:
Soreness-There may be soreness after the acupuncture ,or minor bleeding or bruising where the needles were inserted
Injury to an organ-This can happen when the needles are pushed deeper than they should, especially the lungs although this injury is rare
Infections-Using a reused needle could expose you to infections.