Critical Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a conventional yet alternative beautifying treatment to defy aging. In fact, this cosmetic procedure is very popular in the Western Countries because of its high efficient and safety rate. It is one of the best replacement method for cosmetic surgeries.
Unlike with other invasive face enhancement procedures, acupuncture is affordable, does not incur any risky health situations, and absolutely painless. The recovery period for this treatment is very short compare to other surgeries like face lift. Learn the benefits of this life-changing treatment and use this guide as your quick preference to achieve a younger and fresher image.
What are the Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Basically, there are several health benefits that anyone can get from Cosmetic Acupuncture. These include:
1. It eliminates the unwanted fine lines on the face. It moisten the skin surface causing it to glow continuously.2, It is the most favorable procedure to treat skin diseases such as cystic acne and rosacea. It helps reduce the extent if inflammation on the skin surface.3. It diminishes the presence of sun “dark spots” making your skin to look fair.4. It sustains the normal level of collagen within the skin layer. Thus, it prevents the occurrence of skin sagging and puffiness.5. It enhances skin contraction and facial muscle tone.6. It promotes proper blood circulation within the skin layers, which will regulate the activities of hormones causing skin acne.7. It gives even distribution of skin tone and color.
These are the credible benefits of acupuncture-oriented cosmetic procedure. However, this is not indicated for everybody. People with existing diseases such as diabetes mellitus, pituitary abnormalities, hypertension, or other cardiac related problems are prohibited to avail this treatment.
Before the treatment process, a pre-consultation session is given to determine the health condition of the client. A naturopathic doctor performs health assessment including the monitoring of vital signs. This will serve as the baseline data for acupuncturist to determine the safety level of their clients.